Saturday, August 31, 2019

Exam Retailing Essay

Retailing-consists of the final activities and steps needed to place merchandise made elsewhere into the hands of the consumer or to provide services to the consumer. Last step in supply chain. Trends that affect Retailing today: * E-tailing- ie. The Internet accounts for less than 5% of retail sales but has changed consumer behavior. (speed, convenience, control, vast info, lowest prices) hasn’t destroyed †¦ *Bricks-and-Mortar retailers – Retailers that operate out of a physical building. ’ but B & M retailers must give customers more control to combat E-tailing. Outshopping-when customers get needed info (such as proper size or how to assemble a product) in the store and then orders it online for a lower price and to avoid paying sales tax. * Price Competition Loss Leader-selling a product at or below its cost Bottom Line-net profit on an income statement *Same-Store sales-compares an individual store’s sales to its sales for the same month in the previous year. *Market Share-the retailer’s total sales divided by total market sales *Scrambled Merchandising- exists when a retailer handles many different and unrelated items. The result of the pressure being placed on many retailers to increase profits by carrying additional merchandise or services (with higher profit margins) that will also increase store traffic ex. Convenience store that sells low margin gasoline but high margin bread, milk, beer, ciggs ETC. Supercenters, gift cards in grocery stores but causes cost increases in RENT, INVENTORY COSTS, LABOR COSTs *Category Killer-a retailer that carries such a large amount of merchandise in a single category at such good prices that it makes it impossible for customers to walk out without purchasing that they need, thus KILLING the competition Categorizing Retailers Census Bureau- NAICS code Number of outlets- Chain? Or not? *Standard Stock list-a merchandising method in which all stores in a retail chain stock the same merchandise *Optional Stock List approach-merchandising method in which each store in a retail chain is given the flexibility to adjust its merchandise mix to local tastes and demands. *Channel Advisor or Captain-the institution (manufacturer, wholesaler, broker, or retailer) in the marketing channel that is able to plan for and get other channel institutions to engage in activities they might not otherwise engage in. Large store retailers are often able to perform the role of channel captain. *Private Label Branding- May be store branding, when a retailer develops its own brand name and contracts with a manufacturer to produce the product with the retailer’s brand, or designer lines, where a known designer develops a line exclusively for the retailer. Margin/Turnover Gross margin percentage- measure of profitability GROSS MARGIN/NETSALES Gross Margin-NET SALES – COST OF GOODS SOLD Operating Expenses-expenses that a retailer incurs in running the business other than the cost of merchandise Inventory Turnover- refers to the number of times per year, on average, that a retailer sells its inventory. High Performance retailers-retailers that produce financial results substantially superior to the industry average. Low margin/low turnover-operates on a low gross margin percentage and a low rate of inventory turnover†¦ will not be able to generate sufficient profits to remain competitive and survive. High Margin/Low turnover-(bricks and mortar) high gross margin percentage and low ate of inventory turnover ( high end stores, mom and pop) Clicks and Mortar-instore and online Low margin High turnover- low gmp, high rate of inventory turnover (wal mart, amazon. com) High, High- convenience stores, 7 eleven, circle k, Location- new non traditional places. Size *Store management- the retailing career path that involves responsibility for selecting, training, and eval uating personnel, as well as instore promotions, displays, customer service, building maintenance, and security *Buying-retailing career path whereby one uses quantitative tools to develop appropriate buying plans for the store’s merchandise lines. Analytical method –finder and investigator of facts Creative Method- Idea person Two pronged approach- both analytical and creative CHAPTER 2 Strategic planning- involves adapting the resources of the firm to the opportunities and threats of an ever changing retail environment * Development of mission statement * Definition of specific goals and objectives for the firm * Identification and analysis of the retailers strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats –SWOT ANALYIS * Development of basic strategies that will enable the firm to reach its objectives and fulfill its mission Mission statement- a basic description of the fundamental nature, rationale, and direction of the firm. Market Share- retailer’s TOTAL SALES/ TOTAL MARKET SALES Profit-based Objectives-deal directly with the monetary return a retailer desires from its business ROI/RONW- Return on investment/ Return on Net Worth STRATIEGIC PROFIT MODEL (MEMORIZE) Net ProfitMargin| Net Profit /Total Sales| Return on Assets| Net Profit* /Total Assets| Financial Leverage| Total Assets/Net Worth| Return on Net Worth| Net Profit*/Net Worth| X = Asset Turnover| Total Sales/Total Assets| Stockouts- products that are out of stock and therefore unavailable to customers when they want them Productivity objectives- state how much output the retailer desires for each unit of resource input: Floor space, labor, and inventory investment. * Sales prod: net sales/ total square feet of retail floor space * Labor prod: net sales/#of full time equivalent employees * Merchandise prod: net sales/average dollar investment in inventory Societal Objectives- those that reflect the retailer’s desire to help society fulfill some of it’s needs. * Employment objectives * Payment of Taxes * Consumer Choice * Equity * Being a benefactor RASM- (revenue per available seat mile) calculation used by airlines. Yield Management- the understanding, anticipating and reacting to changing customer needs in order to maximize the revenue from a fixed capacity of available services. (1)low marginal costs (2)fixed capacity (3) perishable product (4)fluctuation demand (5)different market segments Personal Objectives-reflect the retailer’s desire to help individuals employed in retailing fulfill some of their needs. * Self Gratification * Status and respect * Power and authority Strategy- a carefully designed plan for achieving the retailers goals and objectives. 3 strategies Get shoppers into your store/ traffic strategy Convert these shoppers into customers by having them purchase merchandise (retailers conversion Do this at the lowest operating cost possible that is consistent with the level of service that your customers expect Target market-the group of customers that the retailer is seeking to serve Location-geographic or cyber space where the retailer conducts business Retail mix- the combination of merchandise, price, advertising and promotion, locations, customer service and selling, and store layout and design Value proposition- clear statement of the tangible and/or intangible results a customer receives from shopping at and using the retailer’s products or services Operations Management- deals with activities directed at maximizing the efficiency of the retailer’s use of resources. It is frequently referred to as day to day management. CHAPTER 6 Horizontal Price Fixing- occurs when a group of competing retailers (or other channel members operating at a given level of distribution) establishes a fixed price at which to sell certain brands of products ILLEGAL violates Sherman Antitrust Sec 1 Vertical Price Fixing-occurs when a retailer collaborates with the manufacturer or wholesaler to resell an item at an agreed upon price Price discrimination- occurs when 2 retailers buy an identical amount of â€Å"like grade and quality† merchandise from the same supplier but pay different prices. Clayton act makes only certain forms illegal DEFENSES Cost justification- differential in price could be accounted for on the basis of differences in cost to the seller in the manufactur, sale, or delivery. Due to differences in quantity or method. Changing market differences-justifies based on the danger of imminent deterioration of perishable goods or on the obsolescence of seasonal goods. Meeting Competition in good faith -lower price was made in good faith in order to meet an equally low price of a competitor Deceptive Pricing-occurs when an misleading price is used to lure customers into the store and then hidden charges are added; or the item advertised may be unavailable. Predatory Pricing-exists when a retail chain charges different prices in different geographic areas to eliminate competition in selected geographic areas. Palming off-occurs when a retailer represents that merchandise is made by a firm other than the true manufacturer Deceptive advertising-when a retailer makes false of misleading advertising claims about the physical makeup of a product, the benefits to be gained by its use, or the appropriate uses for the product. Bait and switch- advertising or promoting a product at an unrealistically low rice to serve as â€Å"bait† and then trying to â€Å"switch† the customer to a higher priced product. Product liability laws-deal with the seller’s responsibility to market safe products. These laws invoke the forseeability doctrine, which states that a seller of a product must attempt to foresee how a product may be misused and warn the consumer against hazards of misuse. Expressed warranties- are either written or verbali zed agreements about the performance of a product and can cover all attributes of the merchandise or only one attribute Implied warranty of merchantability- made by every retailer when the retailer sells goods and implies that the merchandise sold is fit for the ordinary purpose for which such goods are typically used Implied warranty of fitness- a warranty that implies that the merchandise is fit for a particular purpose and arises when the customer relies on the retailer to assist or make the selection of goods to serve a particular purpose Territorial restrictions-are attempts by the supplier, usually a manufacturer, to limit the geographic area in which a retailer may resell its merchandise Dual distribution- occurs when a manufacturer sells to independent retailers and also through its own retail outlets One way exclusive dealing arrangement-occurs when the supplier agrees to give the retailer the exclusive right to sell the suppliers product in a particular trade area Two way exclusive dealing arrangement- occurs when the supplier offers the retailer the exclusive distribution of a merchandise line or product in a particular trade area if in return the retailer will agree to do something or the manufacturer, such as heavily promote the suppliers products or not handle competing brands. ILLEGAL. Tying agreement-exists when a seller with a strong product or service requires a buyer to purchase a weak product or service as a condition for buying the strong product or service Ethics-set of rules for human moral behavior Explicit code of ethics-consists of a written policy that states what is ethical and unethical behavior Implicit code of ethics- an unwritten but well und erstood set of rules or standards of moral responsibility Chapter 14 Empowerment- occurs when employees are given the power in their jobs to do the things necessary to satisfy and make things right for customers. Servant leadership-an employees recognition that their primary responsibility is to be of service to others. 20% of customers generate 80% of sales value proposition-the promised benefits a retailer offers in relation to the cost the consumer incurs customer relationship management CRM-comprised of an integrated information system where the fundamental unit of data collection is the customer, supplemented by relevant information about the customer erformance appraisal and review- is the formal, systematic assessment of how well employees are performing their jobs in relation to established standards and the communication of that assessment to employees Motivation-is the drive that a person has to excel at activities, such as a job, that he or she undertakes Esprit de corps- occurs when a group of workers feel a common mission and a passion fo r that mission and a pride in being part of the group Fixed component- typically is composed of some base wage per hour, week, month, or year Variable component-is often composed if some bonus that is received if performance warrants Fringe benefit package-is a part of the total compensation package offered to many retail employees and may include health insurance, disability benefits, life insurance, retirement plans, child care, use of an auto, and financial counseling Job enrichment- the process of enhancing the core job characteristics to improve the motivation, productivity, and job satisfaction of employees.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Adidas is one of the famous company in sporting items industry Essay

Introduction Adidas manager is requiring me to create and design a training program which will improve and develop their graduate employee existing skills. This report is going to target to non-graduate or college student and giving them chances to join this training program. This program is going to help trainee do their function in sporting industry Adidas Aim They are trying to build the relationship with their employee via passion, diversity. Adidas may find an excellent balance between life and work of the employee and more than that they provide an essential need for their employee such as food, drink, work benefit to encourage them which will increase business productivity Adidas Human Resource Strategy Adidas is one of the famous company in sporting items industry. At the moment Adidas are doing staff recruitment for their store which across all over the world and especially in the UK. In a past few year Adidas Human Resources Department decided to do Functional Training Program (FTP) in short- period time which giving opportunity for graduate student to get foundation and great educational qualification before for they start to become a functional professional career inside Adidas group also co-operate with internship and apprenticeships for non-graduate and student who want to work for Adidas company straight after school. We have developed on National Vocational Qualification that will contribute to the business and individual need. According to Olin and Tucker (1997) state that â€Å"National Vocational Qualification government and organisation figure out NVQ training program will develop specific profile of ability and basic knowledge of employee at any level which associated vocational area† NVQ training program focus on particular business industry or sector, it will help Adidas group to find the right employee for specific role in the sporting industry Demonstrate NVQ contribution to Adidas NVQ will also comfort organization or company decrease company cost, increase the competiveness and company productivity. Adidas group found putting resourcing in staff will change in work environment spirit and staff inspiration, much easier to recruitment staff and enhance communication in workplace. It will also make Adidas group look more professional and stand out compare to another business. In another way, NVQ are enabled to help Adidas proof to the world that business hired staff or employee has reach minimum standard quality. NVQ to individual needs NVQ programme provides the portfolio for learner or employee which help learner or employee able to learn-practical or work- the related task which helps them to develop their skills and knowledge to do a job more effectively. National Vocational training program intended to develop employee existing skills and that will improve business performance, NVQ is going to evaluate the staff able to carry out their job as indicated a set of rule in an organization, which rely on work performance. Adidas can adapt NVQ training program to improve their standard via examination. Main body NVQ training program overall design 164465275336000It has a variety of ways to get NVQ: succeeding a normal training program, blend of casual and informal or starting to have a learning approaches or just based on the past capability. NVQ framework are design to testing learner capacities in the working environment. To achieve a NVQs qualification the employee or learner have to demonstrate that there can do certain task which related to the roles or area that they apply to the company or business. NVQs training program are going to do the evaluation in a blend of courses by portfolios are going to confirm and proof that what you have done in training program and perception, an assessor will check and may give reference to the company that you can do the task that related to the business. Following by Malcom (1996) â€Å"NVQs framework system made as capability are created, course are movement and exchange are distinguished. Framework task is to provide a reasonable sorting for NVQs and facilities delivery and progres sion both external and internal of competence† NVQ are design for adult and young people who want to improve their skills to increase their work performance which will lead to build up business productivity. NVQ are set level for the learner from level 1 to level 5, in lowest level are going to aim at company operation and highest level for manager position. NVQ are suitable for people are working are in college and having a part- time job are at school are fulfilled apprenticeship NVQs training program delivery strategy Focus on employee and trainee ought to acclimate themselves with structure, substance and evaluation requirement of certificate previously planning a training program course NVQs training program is delivery to any trainee or learner in many ways which Meets the learner and trainee need and capabilities Pleased acquired qualification NVQs is going to provide to learner and trainee the other skills that not a part of the qualification but will help them improve the existing skills Literacy / language / numeracy Critical thinking and personal learning Individual and social advancement Employability Where pertinent, this could include empowering the possibility to get to applicable capabilities covering these abilities. 1651004191000 With these detail in overall design and delivery training of NVQs. This program will bring benefit to the Adidas group. This will include manage time to teaching so not spend much time or little time on teaching. If too much teaching due to costly and the material which delivery to training or learner can be confusing. Spend little time on training will not improve and maximise trainee skills. More over this training program is classify trainee or student what their aim in training and link back to business role they apply for. In addition, NVQs training program is measuring the employee and trainee by knowledge, attitude and skills. It’s going to be connect between organisation and employee. Moreover, Jim and Roger (2009) suggested that â€Å"Training program is providing individual chance to perform their task more effectively and it will help an organisation get the current target† Finally, NVQs training program may bring benefit to learner and Adidas group by motiva ting, group or personal to inspect current implementations and working environment. NVQs material and exercise support NVQs objective NVQs are cooperate with many practical organisations to become a leader in development skills. They are doing services to training suppliers, employers and learner over an assortment of sector to satisfy the need in workplaces. NVQs certificate or capabilities are estimated by employers all over the world, helping people to build up their talented and capacities for profession career. NVQ Training plan The NVQs is aiming to the employee of Adidas who contributes to the work performed. As, Mayo (2000) â€Å"training plan may have added by Human Resource Department purpose, weigh into the advantages of an individual group in particular organization†. It is including Personal skills: Knowledge/ skill/experience, ability to do the task and what employee will convey to the work from the other part of their social life Personal motivation: desire, goal, work inspiration. Workplace environment: The background of the business, personal respect, free to renovate. Teamwork efficiency: having a same objective and values, helpfulness, communal respect Essential material need in NVQs Assessment and homework to consider becoming the important material in NVQs. It gives speedy and basic methods for checking employee has the right stuff and abilities to work in an exchange. The specialist gets his or her NVQ Level 2 or 3 by a mix of evaluation and works environment preparing, during which time they give confirm they meet the NVQs requirement. Other material, may aid to the learner or trainee to achieve NVQs qualification such as the computer, pen, folder, tablet, video or textbook Example practical organization NVQs is co-operated with City NVQs Logistic Delivery

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Attachment Word Count 1466

Secondly I will explain how attachment informs in social work. ‘Among the most significant developments of psychiatry during the past quarter of a century has been the steady growth of evidence that the quality of parental care which a child receives in his earliest years is of vital importance to his future mental health’ (Bowlby. J. p11. 953) Attachment is an emotional relationship that involves comfort care and contentment. The roots of attachment were thought to be from Freuds theory’s about love, however John Bowlby is accredited with being the fore father of attachment theory. Bowlby shared the psychoanalytic view that early experiences in childhood have a major influence on development and behaviour later in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant/caregiver relationship. Kennhell and Klaus said that sometime attachment is confused with the natural bonding process that takes place between mother and child, and we should be careful not to mix these too up. Bowlby believed that attachment begins in infancy and carries on throughout life, resulting in several behavioural systems that are required for survival and reproduction. Bowlby suggested that there are four central characteristics of attachment; these are proximity maintenance, this is when the child strives to stay close to the care giver enabling the child to stay safe. Safe haven, this is when the child feel scared or afraid turning to the caregiver for support and comfort. Secure base, this is when the caregiver gives the child a protected place to discover the world from. Separation distress this is when the child get upset or distressed when it is absent from the caregiver. Bowlby suggested that attachment was an element of selected relationships throughout the lifespan, even though most of his research focused on infancy. Mary Ainsworth created a method called the strange situation. The method that Ainsworth had created was to examine that bond between the care giver and the child. The method is to examine the child playing for approximately twenty minutes while the care giver and the person who is unknown to the child enters and exit the room. This method creates a familiar and unfamiliar situation for the child. For some children this type of situation can be very stressful. The case of ‘Genie’ was an extreme example of a child that had no attachment or social contact resulting in her being a feral child. She was unable to talk dress herself or toilet herself, when support was implemented within a few days progress was seen to be made, showing that even though no attachment had been made the child was still able to learn new behaviours. A striking example of adult attachment to a parent is the comment made by a 40 year old lady who had lost her mother; I never realised, until she was gone, how much my own sense of confidence depended on knowing that if I ran into trouble I could always turn to her for help and advice. Goldberg 2000 p10)in my own experience of working with adult services, I gained an understanding of how separation could have affected an elderly couple’s health. After 60 years of marriage social services where call in to assess their situation as they where no longer able to cope due to the fact the wife had senile dementia. Initially the was talk of them being home together however a standard care home would not have met the need of the wife, a nursing home was needed for her. This was seen as being detrimental to both their health due to separation. Therefore, it was seen to be better to provide them with support in their own home. In conclusion children who are securely attached tend to have trusting, long-term relationships in their adulthood. As adults and being securely attached, these same individuals have a great understanding and perspective on important relationships in their lives. They demonstrate a forgiving attitude toward their mate and tend to show compassion for others. They tend to speak of how their past experiences have influenced their present feelings and relationships. References Bowlby, J. (1953) Childcare and the growth of maternal love. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. Feeney,J. Noller,P. (1996) Adult Attachment. London: sage publications. Goldberg, S. (2000) Attachment and Development. London: Arnold publishers. Howe,D. (1995) Attachment theory for social work practice. London: Macmillan press. Smith, Cowie, Blades. online. ‘The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Understanding Children’s Development’. York College: Homepage, (http://www. ycc. ac. uk/yc/new/HUMSOC/psycho/unit1/adultatt. htm), (5 December 2008) Attachment Word Count 1466 Secondly I will explain how attachment informs in social work. ‘Among the most significant developments of psychiatry during the past quarter of a century has been the steady growth of evidence that the quality of parental care which a child receives in his earliest years is of vital importance to his future mental health’ (Bowlby. J. p11. 953) Attachment is an emotional relationship that involves comfort care and contentment. The roots of attachment were thought to be from Freuds theory’s about love, however John Bowlby is accredited with being the fore father of attachment theory. Bowlby shared the psychoanalytic view that early experiences in childhood have a major influence on development and behaviour later in life. Our early attachment styles are established in childhood through the infant/caregiver relationship. Kennhell and Klaus said that sometime attachment is confused with the natural bonding process that takes place between mother and child, and we should be careful not to mix these too up. Bowlby believed that attachment begins in infancy and carries on throughout life, resulting in several behavioural systems that are required for survival and reproduction. Bowlby suggested that there are four central characteristics of attachment; these are proximity maintenance, this is when the child strives to stay close to the care giver enabling the child to stay safe. Safe haven, this is when the child feel scared or afraid turning to the caregiver for support and comfort. Secure base, this is when the caregiver gives the child a protected place to discover the world from. Separation distress this is when the child get upset or distressed when it is absent from the caregiver. Bowlby suggested that attachment was an element of selected relationships throughout the lifespan, even though most of his research focused on infancy. Mary Ainsworth created a method called the strange situation. The method that Ainsworth had created was to examine that bond between the care giver and the child. The method is to examine the child playing for approximately twenty minutes while the care giver and the person who is unknown to the child enters and exit the room. This method creates a familiar and unfamiliar situation for the child. For some children this type of situation can be very stressful. The case of ‘Genie’ was an extreme example of a child that had no attachment or social contact resulting in her being a feral child. She was unable to talk dress herself or toilet herself, when support was implemented within a few days progress was seen to be made, showing that even though no attachment had been made the child was still able to learn new behaviours. A striking example of adult attachment to a parent is the comment made by a 40 year old lady who had lost her mother; I never realised, until she was gone, how much my own sense of confidence depended on knowing that if I ran into trouble I could always turn to her for help and advice. Goldberg 2000 p10)in my own experience of working with adult services, I gained an understanding of how separation could have affected an elderly couple’s health. After 60 years of marriage social services where call in to assess their situation as they where no longer able to cope due to the fact the wife had senile dementia. Initially the was talk of them being home together however a standard care home would not have met the need of the wife, a nursing home was needed for her. This was seen as being detrimental to both their health due to separation. Therefore, it was seen to be better to provide them with support in their own home. In conclusion children who are securely attached tend to have trusting, long-term relationships in their adulthood. As adults and being securely attached, these same individuals have a great understanding and perspective on important relationships in their lives. They demonstrate a forgiving attitude toward their mate and tend to show compassion for others. They tend to speak of how their past experiences have influenced their present feelings and relationships. References Bowlby, J. (1953) Childcare and the growth of maternal love. Harmondsworth: Penguin Books. Feeney,J. Noller,P. (1996) Adult Attachment. London: sage publications. Goldberg, S. (2000) Attachment and Development. London: Arnold publishers. Howe,D. (1995) Attachment theory for social work practice. London: Macmillan press. Smith, Cowie, Blades. online. ‘The Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). Understanding Children’s Development’. York College: Homepage, (http://www. ycc. ac. uk/yc/new/HUMSOC/psycho/unit1/adultatt. htm), (5 December 2008)

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Listening Barriers in Communication Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Listening Barriers in Communication - Assignment Example The mentor that was to orient the course stood before us to elaborate the course content and what one may do in order to ensure success in the course (Zhang, 2012). There were many people attending the orientation program and different ideas were brought on board with regard to the course. The course was a simple one and anyone could predict the requirement that would be needed in order to handle the course contents. This situation was among the relevant areas that I have found significant listening barriers due to some self-concept factors (Zhang, 2012). There are two central factors that I regard were of essentiality to promoting the listening barriers in the situation. The fact that I was able to predict or know the answer to what the speaker had to say next is a major barrier to the situation I had during the mentorship program. This barrier involves the self-thinking that one has already known with certainty what the speaker wants to say or elaborate (Zhang, 2012). This element in communication implies a judgment in the ways one relays ideas in verbal form. This factor is a barrier because it makes the listener eager to complete the sentences that the speaker intends to make. This fact of impatience can make an individual to cut short the message that the speaker intends to relay to the audience (Zhang, 2012). The listeners can also disagree with the speaker even before he or she completes the intended message that was to be transmitted. This is against the receptive mind that is expected of a good listener in everyday situations . Another listening barrier that was in connection with the situation involved in course mentorship relates to desire to impress or influence the speaker. As aforementioned, the course was a simple one and anybody could predict the inherent activities. This fact made me has an attitude of intending to impress or influence the actions of the speaker (Zhang, 2012).  

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

The global business environment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The global business environment - Essay Example Counterfeit products are being increasingly traded along different parts of the globe with special relevance to regions like Asia and China and also pertaining to Middle East countries thereby reflecting a global concern (OECD, 2008, p.66). Issues Learnt The rise of counterfeit activities across the retail paradigm especially related to premium or luxury category commodities creates an issue of real concern. Emergence of counterfeit activities on such a large scale causes not only the decline in the sales of the original commodity but also tends to reduce the value of the original brand. These commodities being hard to identify relating to the fakeness involved are openly traded along different regions thereby affecting the market share and brand equity gained of the original premium priced commodities. Moreover the emergence of purchase and sales activity of luxury retail products along the online paradigm like eBay enhances the concern of luxury retail groups like LMVH. This compan y had been broadly affected owing to the sales of pirated commodities carrying its brand name through the online sales network. Owing to the above reason the retail and other consumer goods companies are facing loss of brand value that is being seized by the growing potency of the counterfeit market emerging around the globe (Kapferer, 2012, p.467-468). However further research shows that the rise in the counterfeit market for luxury retail goods in the global scenario happens to enhance the opportunity to further innovate and create. Opportunity arising from the emerging threat in the luxury retail scenario is thus contributing to the development of enhanced competition in the global paradigm. The luxury retailers are now being made bound to further think of adding value to the products produced and traded and also in the paradigm of communication through green washing activities related to advertising. Such endeavors are being taken to sustain their place in the competitive market (Lin, 2011, p.27-28). Three Unexpected Facts Research made pertaining to the rise in the global counterfeit market establishes some unexpected facts that can be represented as follows. Firstly the growth of the counterfeit market is found to be fuelled by the factors like recessionary market and economic trends coupled with the development of electronic commerce activities. The slump in the economic and market situation leads the developing market zones like Africa and China to become the hub centers for trading of counterfeit goods in an increased fashion. These commodities being traded on a virtual paradigm further enhances the global threat emanating from such. Secondly the absence of effective intellectual property legislations further contributes in the development of trade of counterfeit products along emerging markets, revenue earned from which is used for funding terrorist and criminal operations (Mueller, 2011, p.37-38). Thirdly the government bodies of emerging economies like China are found to encourage the growth of such counterfeit product markets. Local Chinese manufacturers in a market deprived of intellectual property and other legislations related to curbing criminal acts are increasingly producing counterfeit products. The government body argues that creation of such local production units contributes in job creation and revenue enhancement (Conklin, 2010, p.267). Discussion

Monday, August 26, 2019

Direct Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Direct Marketing - Essay Example This stored data may include such information about the customer that ranges from demographic information, age, gender, profession, purchase history, and personal characteristic. A plethora of companies is drastically adopting this mode of direct marketing to promote their products and services to customers. Some of the examples of such companies include banks and insurance companies as the leading entities on this direct marketing business. According to Pearson (551), direct marketing has emerged as an important tool to both buyers and marketers. The current trend shows that direct marketing is slowly turning to be web-based, and presently the internet marketing accounts for a bigger share of direct marketing. Based on the figures that were published by the interactive advertising bureau of Canada (IAB), the internet is one of the leading modes of direct marketing in Canada. In total of percentage of how direct marketing is conducted, it is thought that about 23% of advertisements d irect to customers reach to customers on a weekly basis (Pearson 552). In fact, direct marketing is drastically turning out to be the major player of marketing in most sectors of business. According to information by the IAB, it is projected that by the year 2016, direct marketing will emerge to be the number one mode of business in the world. This paper will highlight the different forms of direct marketing, and then highlight some of the ethical issues cited against this form of business. Then provide opponents of this form business. Finally, this paper will critically argue against these criticisms and show how direct marketing is ethical. Further, it will demonstrate it as a good practice that brings about more advantages to all parties involved. Direct marketing can take a myriad of forms. Direct mail marketing is one form of direct marketing that is used by both business-to-business and

Sunday, August 25, 2019

CRM Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

CRM - Research Paper Example Company can market its product worldwide at nominal price through e–business. In addition, e-business ensures good and superior customer service which can encourage buyers to know more about any particular product of a company. Customers can make online payment and the products are delivered in their house. E–Business in Pharmaceutical Industry E–business strongly influences the strategies of pharmaceutical companies. Online sales and detailing can influence the sales of pharmaceutical company. Through e–business, pharmaceutical company develops branding, forecast sales, place & trace customer orders and influence supply chain management. Pharmaceutical company had developed website where information about doctors and medicines can be reviewed. Through e–business forum, people are able to share information and feedback about any drug or medicine. Many pharmaceutical companies had developed front end and back end e-business formation to trade their p roducts to business partners, customers, wholesalers and distributors. Custom e-business application is effective while ordering drugs and medicine products and requires extensive prescription data. E-business ordering, selling can be implemented using application which allows pharmaceutical company to draft complicated order over website (Qayyum, â€Å"eBusiness Technologies and Trends in the Pharmaceutical industry†). E–Business at Hanmi Hanmi had developed professional website for e–business solution. The website of Hanmi provides strong communication atmosphere and it is a good system for medical practitioners such as doctors, chemists or pharmacists. Through their website they can gain useful information. Hanmi Medical Portal (HMP) had accomplished sustainable development and became a major specialized medical website for many domestic doctors. HMP consists of intern, occupant and medical school students. It provides several essential services such as medic al information service, medical related social service, prerequisite for professional service and many allied & differentiated service. HMP is seeking to become the next generation growth technology of Hanmi Pharmaceutical Company and conquer the International Medical Portal Standard (Hanmi IT, â€Å"HMP†). Analytic Data Value In today’s competitive world, analytic collection of data has been widely used. Organization collects data from a wide range of source before extracting meaningful information from them. This is the challenge for every organization to deploy analytics and generate information from customer data. Many organizations are unsuccessful to achieve complete benefit of their customer data because of fault within the analytics capacity. The customer data analytic helps organizations to improve customer experience, sales and service. Hanmi had successfully developed software to properly manage customer data and derive important information from it. Hanmiâ €™s software solution helps to draw business results from customer data. It can provide dashboards, trend reports and pivot tables which can indicate key performance indicator of market and help company to measure the success factors. ubi – SFA technology Hanmi had implemented ubi-SFA approach

Arbitration Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Arbitration - Coursework Example and Malaysia and hence the contract between them is an international contract attracting the law of international commercial arbitration. The contract envisages supply of toilet flushes by the Malaysian company to the London plumbing firm. It is clear that their contract has a clause for arbitration to be resorted to in the event of disagreement or dispute between them. On the one hand, George Ltd of London wishes to terminate the contract and Cheap Stock Corp of Malaysia maintains that George Ltd’s demand for termination is a violation of the contractual terms, on the other. This constitutes a dispute between them warranting arbitration as provided by the arbitration clause of the underlying contract. The arbitration agreement if valid will enable the arbitrators to decide whether the London firm is entitled to prematurely terminate the contract entered into with the Malaysian company by examining the terms of the underlying contract. ... The seat or legal place of the arbitration shall be [city and/or country]. The language to be used in the arbitral proceedings shall be [language]. The governing law of the contract shall be the substantive law of [jurisdiction].†3 If the parties have not chosen any institutional arbitration, UNCITRAL Arbitration rules provides for Ad hoc arbitration according to which the arbitration clause shall be as follows. Ad hoc arbitration under UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules â€Å"All and any disputes or differences arising out of or in connection with this Agreement, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, shall be referred to and finally resolved by arbitration in accordance with the UNCITRAL Arbitration Rules [as at present in force/as in force at the time when arbitration proceedings are commenced] (‘the UNCITRAL Rules’).†Ã‚  4 The adhoc arbitration clause is more inclusive in that it includes even differences apart from disputes relating to â€Å"agreem ent or breach, termination or invalidity thereof.† 5 Since the parties do not appear to have chosen any institutional arbitration, Adhoc arbitration as per the UNCITRAL rules may be applied. The relevant rules in this connection stipulate â€Å"The Notice of Arbitration shall be served in accordance with Article 3 of the UNCITRAL Rules†. 6 Further, the appointment of arbitrators and their numbers (one or three) and the authority (institution) by whom to be appointed are also to be governed by the UNCITRAL Rules. The place and the seat of the arbitration such as city and/or country and language of arbitration will also be named by the authority. Validity of the arbitration agreement in the contract The contract in question contains the term ‘any disagreement or dispute between the parties

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Perceptions that consumers have for the different marketing messages Essay

Perceptions that consumers have for the different marketing messages - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that the selective exposure process focuses on individuals to agree with those medium of communication that is in alignment with their views and opinions. Consumers in this selective process only go out for things that are of interest to them and oppose those things that they are against about. An example can be the fluctuations of the share prices. A drop in the share prices would affect the consumers and they may apply the selective exposure process. The selective retention process observes that consumers tend to retain those marketing messages that are of interest to them and also are favoring their opinions as well. The marketing messages that are against the opinion of the consumers do not tend to retain for long in the minds of consumers. The products advertised to consumers such as mobile phones for youngsters may be a highly attractive product and they may observe keenly the advertising done for mobile phones. The selective percepti on theory states that consumers interpret facts that they are interested in. In other words, consumers comprehend the situation the way they want to see it as. They hear what they believe in rather than what the message is actually trying to state. Therefore, in this case for different consumers, the same message may have different worth and meaning to them. For example, consumers that like to watch a lot of television may only see the advantageous side of watching television and may ignore the disadvantages that watching too much television has on humans.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Investment Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Investment Report - Essay Example Apple has a very minimal control over its external relations with other countries due to America’s indulgence in war on terrorism (Strategic planning13, 2014). A majority of Apple’s products are manufactured outside of the US. The list of countries includes names such as, China, Ireland and Korea. Political disagreements with these countries may impact the company’s operations severely (Slideee, 2014; Johnson, Whittington and Scholes, 2011). The economic downturn may have a severe impact on the company’s sales and improvements that could be made within the operations. Apple’s products are perceived as luxury segment products by some, which is why individuals have started heavily spending on them. Moreover, due to higher rate of inflation, income is low and unemployment rate is high. As a result, Apple could risk a severe reduction in the level of sales. Due to such volatile economic situations, the value of US dollar keeps fluctuating. Even so, to shield the company from such exposure, considerable amount of foreign currencies is purchased (Strategic planning13, 2014; Slideee, 2014). Possession of Apple products is considered as a demonstrator of status symbol in many societies. This factor has amplified the level of sales for many Apple Inc products. Given the fact that the purchasing power of common people have increased in various markets across the world, purchase of luxury products has amplified as well. As the world cannot be envisaged without gadgets, the products manufactured by Apple have gained worldwide appreciation (Strategic planning13, 2014; Slideee, 2014; Frynas and Mellahi, 2011). The technological environment that surrounds Apple Inc has evolved considerably over past few years. Most importantly, computers and phones have become a popular commodity. Apple Inc is placed at the topmost position in the market for manufacturing innovative products and most relevant aspect of the products offered is that

Thursday, August 22, 2019

America’s economy after the Civil war Essay Example for Free

America’s economy after the Civil war Essay After the Civil war in the United States, Corporations grew significantly in number, size, and influence between the 1870s and 1900s. Big business impacted America’s economy, politics and as well as the Americans responses to these changes. Big business began when entrepreneurs in search for wealth and success combined their business into massive corporations. Vertical and horizontal integration were tactics used to make business grow faster. Vertical integration is the acquiring of material from the bottom up for means of production, for example Carnegie used this strategy. Horizontal integration is the controlling of other companies that produce the same product, which Rockefeller used. The corporations were so large that they could and some did, force out the competition which resulted them in gaining control of that particular market. This allowed corporations to set the prices they desired, which affected the consumers pocket as that was the only place they could obtain the product or good from. Business men who ran these large industries became extremely wealthy, powerful and influential, often at the expense of many poor workers, and much of the public saw them as robber barons who exploited workers, in order to accumulate immense fortunes. For example, in 1882 Rockefeller solidifies his control by establishing a monopoly or trust, which centralized control of a number of oil related companies under one board of trustee. By 1879, Rockefeller controlled 90% of the county’s oil capacity. As a result of this, companies in other industries quickly imitated this trust model and used their broad market control to raise prices. Also in document A, statistics are shown of the index prices to the average prices during a certain period of time and it is evident that as the years progressed, the cost for food, fuel and lighting decreased significantly but the cost of living of also decreased but not to the degree of the above mentioned. Trusts were a common way to force out the competition and control a market in the 1800s. Big business also impacted America politically as seen on document D. This political cartoon shows wealthy industrial owners, which are taking up most of the space in the US senate and are coming in from a door that is labeled â€Å"Entrance for monopolist† and all the trusts are lines up to enter. Also, in the left corner there is a door labeled â€Å"People’s entrance† that had a â€Å"closed† hanging from it, which clearly shows that the people do not have a say in the senate. This means that industries have a great amount of power in the senate as well as a big impact politically. Also in document B, from George E. McNeill, a labor leader, is a short passage about â€Å"The problem of today† in 1887. He starts out explains how the railroad president holds so much power that it is almost as if he were the king of the railroad. The article states that the railroad king collects his tithes, which is the 1/10th annual income given to clergy and to support the church, by lowering the worker’s wages. He also has the power to fire anyone, take away their income, delay trial on a suit at law, and postpone judgment indefinitely. This shows the amount of power in his hands, and how he has a say in politics and court. At the end, McNeill states, â€Å"In his right hand he holds the government; in his left hand, the people† to show the sense of control he has in both areas and the degree of his influence on both, the people, and his government. American’s responses to the growing corporations were evident in document C. In this document David A. Wells claims that individualism or independence of the producer in manufacturing has been in great degree destroyed as well as the pride workmen took in their work. Also, he says modern manufacturing systems have been brought into a condition similar of that of a military organization. This shows the rigidness of the bosses and the demand for their work to be perfect. It is also mentioned in this document that as a rule, workers are only good for one thing, and then are useless once there is no more work of that kind. Lastly, the works are no longer independent. But depend and have to obey rules to keep progressing. In document E, by Andrew Carnegie, he states that to set an example of modest he has to provide to those who depend on him. Andrew Carnegie of the steel industry donated much of his wealth to building libraries, schools, and universities to support the less fortunate or poor. The growth of corporations evidently impacted the economy and politics, as well as the American responses to these changes, in 1870-1900.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Academia and Classroom Essay Example for Free

Academia and Classroom Essay Question 1 1. 1 Conflict The practice of recognizing and dealing with disputes in a rational, balanced and effective way. Conflict is an expressed struggle between at least two interdependent parties who perceive incompatible goals, scare resources, and interference from others in achieving their goals. † 1. 2 Decision- making Is the choice of the most suitable way of solving a problem or handling a situation . 1. 3 Communication Is a means by which the teacher and pupils’ different needs, feelings and attitudes are conveyed to each other in order to establish cooperation and achieve goals. 1. 4 Motivation Is the process by means of which motives are provided by, amongst others, a manager or situation in order to bring about certain actions and thus to achieve certain goals. 1. 5 Leadership Leadership consists of actions that help the group to complete its tasks successfully and maintain effective working relationships among its members. Leadership is a set of skills that anyone can acquire Question 2 2. 1. 1 AUTOCRATIC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE When dealing with pupil behaviour the teacher will intervene and try to control the behaviour of the pupils. The teacher is mainly interested in the pupils completion of tasks and learning performance . Pupils participation in the classroom situation is limited to listening, working and doing. The following are some advantages of this approach: ? Some pupils may feel secure in this kind of situation. ? Because the teacher lays down fixed rules and procedures, pupils know what is expected of them and what they can expect in the classroom. The following are some disadvantages of this approach: ? The classroom atmosphere is characterised by competition, unwillingness to work together and poor discipline when pupils are left unsupervised. ? Creative thinking is suppressed. ? There is no cooperation. ? Pupils may develop a negative attitude towards the subject. 1 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 2. 1. 2 DEMOCRATIC CLASSROOM MANAGEMENT STYLE A democratic style of classroom management correlates with an interactive teaching style. This teaching style requires that teachers should have a sound knowledge of their subject and of human nature so that they can encourage their pupils to participate actively and meaningfully in teaching and learning activities. The control of pupil behaviour in the classroom is jointly controlled by the pupils and the teacher. As a management style it requires the teacher to maintain a balance between the task aspect and the human aspect of the classroom situation. Teaching and learning tasks are completed with the pupils willing cooperation and co responsibility which are the hallmarks of democratic classroom management. The following are some advantages: ? ? ? Pupils participate confidently in classroom activities. It encourages initiative and creativity. The classroom atmosphere is relaxed, yet productive. ? Pupils feel that they are involved in teaching activities. 2. 2 Five styles of conflict management ? Avoidance: avoiding conflict is a short-term solution because the conflict will not go away. Sometimes, however, avoidance could be a temporary measure to calm emotions. ? Giving in or accommodating: teachers who badly want the pupils to accept them use this style. With this style the real differences are underemphasized. Sometimes teachers have to give in to avoid hostility in the classroom and to ensure that the work can get done. ? Domination: teachers who want to impose their will on pupils use this style. In the long run this style is seldom effective, although teachers sometimes have to dominate. ? Compromise or settle: this style is marked by a search for compromises and settlement. The teacher will try to meet everyone halfway and to let the majority view prevail. Because a settlement might not satisfy everybody, the dissatisfaction could again cause conflict at a later stage. ? Integrate or collaborate: this style is also known as the problem-solving approach. The parties cooperate in order to find a satisfactory solution. 2. 3 A proper balance between the: task-oriented and the human relations aspects, required in every teaching-learning situation , enables teachers to create a teaching-learning situation with a positive atmosphere. Maintaining a balance between the structural (formal) and human relations (informal) aspects requires a holistic approach to classroom management. The combination and integration of these two dimensions represent the actual structure of the classroom situation, which includes all areas of the teachers management task. These studies revealed a clear correlation between classroom atmosphere and pupil performance of grade 9 and grade 10 pupils in 12 secondary schools in Ontario as follows: ? Classroom atmosphere has a significant influence on pupil performance. ? Although the personal and social characteristics of pupils are important factors in their school performance, classroom atmosphere is sometimes more important. ? The psychosocial and academic aspects of teaching are interrelated. 2 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 ? Variables that relate directly to teaching-learning activities in the classroom have a special, unique influence on pupil performance. The following are the guidelines for teachers to cultivate positive attitudes in their pupils: ? Put the pupils in the centre. ? Respect pupils opinions and treat all pupils respectfully. ? Give pupils a group feeling. ? Help pupils to feel secure in school. ? Make sure that pupils understand their assignments. ? Realise that pupils are children, not adults. ? Deal with individual behaviour problems in private interviews with the pupil rather than in front of the whole class. ? Involve pupils in decision making where appropriate. ? Do not label pupils. 3 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 2. 4 CLASSROOM POLICY 1. In all instances, civility and respect for classmates and the instructor are expected. 2. Book bags, briefcases, etc. are not allowed on your desk during class. They must remain on the floor near your chair. 3. You may not use cell phones in class. a. All ringers must be turned off. b. You may not text message, place or answer calls. c. All earphones, headphones, headsets or any other accessory for your cell phone may not be used in class – that means, out of sight and not on your head or in your ear. 4. You may not use any device (for example, IPod, MP3 player) to listen to or view music or other programming in class. 5. You will be asked to leave class if you disregard classroom policy. ATTENDANCE / WITHDRAWAL POLICY 1. Since the course is conducted in a seminar format, your attendance is mandatory. 2. You will sign the Attendance Signature sheet at the beginning of each class. 3. Your class participation points may be reduced from if you are late in class. 4. You may be withdrawn from COS 133 if you are absent from 20% of the class. LATE WORK 1. No late work will be accepted. MAKE-UP QUIZ POLICY 1. There are no quiz make-ups. No exemptions. GRADING POLICY 1. Your grade for COS 133 will be based on the points you accumulate for assignments, quizzes, and class participation. 2. Your grade for COS 133 is calculated as follows: Topic 1. Assignments 2. Quizzes 3. Classroom Participation Weight 30% 55% 15% 4 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493. Topic Weight A 94 -100 1. Assignments 30% A- 90 93 2. Quizzes 55% B+ 87 89 3. Classroom Participation 15% B 84 86 B- 80 83 C+ 77 79 C 74 76 C- 70 73 D+ 67 69 D 64 66 D- 60 63 F 60 1. Assignments = 30 Points COS assignments consist of a variety of activities designed to promote a successful college experience at MCC. Your assignments will consist of reading textbook chapters and answering related exercise questions. In addition, you may be using your MCC student email to submit Web assignments. Assignments are due at the beginning of the class. However, you may submit your assignments before the due date. Distribution of points are as follows: 10 textbook assignments (3 points each) = 30 points 2. Quizzes = 55 Points Quizzes are based on your chapter reading assignments. o You may use your textbook to answer the questions. However, be well prepared for a very challenging quiz. o If you are late for class and miss the quiz, you will receive a zero for the quiz. Distribution of points is as follows: o 11 textbook quizzes (5 points each) = 55 points 3. Classroom Participation = 15 Points Classroom participation points are earned by behaviors that demonstrate o prompt attendance for class 3 o active listening o positive involvement in small group work o thoughtful contributions during whole class discussions o civility and respect for classmates and the instructor Distribution of points is as follows: o 1 point per week = 15 points o You cannot earn classroom participation points if you are absent. MCC REGULATIONS AND POLICIES Academic Honesty Policy In the academic process, it is assumed that intellectual honesty and integrity are basic responsibilities of any student. However, faculty members should accept their correlative 5 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 responsibility to regulate academic work and to conduct examination procedures in such a manner as not to invite violations of academic honesty. Such violations consist mainly of cheating and plagiarism. For more details regarding MCC’s Academic Honesty policy regarding definitions, disciplinary action, and procedure for appeal check the MCC Catalog and Student Handbook or MCC Website. Policy Statement on Sexual Harassment 1. Monroe Community College strives to recognize human dignity and therefore does not tolerate sexual harassment or any other type of harassment within or connected to this institution. 2. Sexual harassment is illegal and unfairly interferes with the opportunity for all persons, regardless of gender, to have a comfortable and productive education and work environment. 3. We are committed to taking all reasonable steps to prevent sexual harassment and to discipline those who do harass. Code of Conduct The following actions or conducts are prohibited. 1. The obstruction or disruption of any College function or activity, including the classroom instructional environment, administration of the parking program and service functions and activities. 2. The detention, physical abuse or intimidation of any person, or threat thereof, or any 4 conduct which threatens or endangers the health, safety, or welfare of any person on College-owned or operated property or at College-sponsored activities. 3. The use of obscene or abusive language or any other means of expression, language, or action which may reasonably be expected to provoke or encourage physical violence by other persons. 4. The refusal to obey any reasonable or lawful request, order, or directive of a College public safety officer, a teacher, College administrator, or any other identified representative of the College. MCC LEARNING CENTERS 1. Monroe Community College has a number of Learning Centers at Brighton (for example, Accounting, Math, Psychology, Writing, the Electronic Learning Center, etc. ) and at Damon (for example, the Integrated Learning Center, Electronic Learning Center, etc.). 2. Learning centers are staffed with instructional personnel and may be equipped with computers and software to assist students. 3. It is recommended that students use the Learning Centers to get additional help with concepts learned in the classroom and with their homework. SERVICES FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES 1. Students with a documented learning difficulty should make an appointment with the Coordinator of Services for Students with Disabilities on the Brighton or Damon Campus to arrange for support services. 2. All deaf or hard of hearing students should contact the Counseling and Advising Center. 3. You must provide the instructor with appropriate documentation regarding accommodations within the first two weeks of class. EMERGENCY CLOSINGS 1. If the College is closed due to inclement weather or some other emergency, all Rochester area radio and television stations will be notified no later than 5:30 a. m. 2. In addition, the homepage on the MCC website (www. monroecc. edu) will display a message indicating the College is closed. 3. Please do not call the College to avoid overloading the telephone lines. 5 6 Student no : 43713009 EDA 201W Ass no : 2 719493 CLASS CANCELLATION To access a list of daily class cancellations, you may 1. Call the Public Safety Department (292-2066) at MCC, press 1 for a list of cancelled classes at Brighton and press 2 for a list of cancelled classes at Damon; 2. Go to the Internet, access MCC, go to the A-Z listing to C for Class Cancellations and see the list of cancellations; 3. Check your student email for a cancellation notice from your instructor 6 COURSE SYLLABUS AGREEMENT Detach and return this signed sheet to Professor Rodriguez. ______________________________________ M00______________________ Student’s Printed Name Student MCC College ID Number COS 133 Section Number: _________ Semester / Year: _____________ The Course Syllabus 1. The Course Syllabus (course information sheet) is a written legal covenant between you and your professor. 2. It clarifies the professor’s expectations and your responsibilities. Your professor expects you to meet deadlines for assignments, papers, projects and tests. 3. It is your responsibility to review the course syllabus and clarify any aspect of the syllabus. Therefore, read it carefully and ask questions you may have about its content. Check the appropriate box. I have read the course information sheet for COS 133 Introduction to College Studies. I understand my responsibilities for this course. I do not have any questions. I do not understand the requirements stated in the COS 133 Course Information Sheet. I will schedule an appointment to discuss my questions with my professor. List your questions for discussion here: ______________________________________ _____________________ Signature Date.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Should Parents Be Allowed To Choose Sex?

Should Parents Be Allowed To Choose Sex? Sex-selection is the attempt to achieve a desired sex by controlling the gender of the offspring. The selection can be accomplished through pre- and post-implantation of an embryo, as well as at birth. Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGD) and Microsort technique are two new technological methods used to achieve the embryonic sex selection. Prenatal sex discernment, a blood test to test the fetal DNA after the seventh week of pregnancy, is performed after implantation. Microsoft technique is the process where the sperm is sorted to increase the chance the egg is fertilized by a sperm which carrying the desired chromosome. A more precise and accurate, but also more expensive and invasive technique is PGD, a method where the embryos are created and analysed outside the female body or in test tubes before implanted into the females womb. The genetic disorders at the embryonic stage are screened using PGD. Unfortunately, many American clinics offer PGD as a way to choose their babys ge nder by implanting only the fertilized eggs of desired gender into the mothers uterus. Unfortunately, sex selection is illegal in most parts of the world. Several countries like Canada, Australia and also the United Kingdom all have banned the use of PGD for sex selection for nonmedical purposes. In other words, PGD is only justified if a couple has the family history including any sex-linked genetic disorder. Sex selection has raised a lot of arguments whether parents should allow to choose the gender of their future child or not. Before that, what is the factors causing gender selection? Most of the parents are hoping and praying for a baby of a particular gender. First, Male offspring is desired due to the cultural factors. There are a variety of factors causing males more economically and socially valuable than females. For example the property inheritance and the family name of the male heirs, and the workforce can contribute more to the income of once family.1 Women, on the other hand, require the expensive dowries and leave the family upon marriage which are unproductive investment. Since there are many arguments in gender selection, there also rise up the controversy regarding to the abortion or the female infanticide. Although sex-selective infanticide and sex-selective child abandonment is illegal in most parts of the world, they still exist in some countries. The development of ultrasound scanners which can use to determine the sex of unborn children in womb led to the sex-selective abortion, especially in China and India.2 Due to the cultural factors and also the single-child policy in the 1980s and 1990s, male is the only child that ensured or determined by most of the families. In 2000, 120 boys were born in every 100 Chinese girls. 3 Similarly in India, the illegal ultrasound scanning and also the sex selective abortion of female fetus are widespread.4 The United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) study indicated that there are 112 boys for every 100 girls born in Albania, while the figures stand at 110 and 109 boys per 100 girls in Kosovo and Montenegro, respectively.5 Besides, the president of 1 Miller, B.D. (1997). The Endangered se: Neglect of female children in rural North India. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2 Greenhalgh, S. (2008). Just one child: Science and policy in Dengs China. University of California Press. 3 The Economist (2011, April 7). Add sugar and spice. 4 Lakshimi, R. (2013). Study: Sex-selective Practises May Be Common in Families of Indian Doctors. The Washington Post. 5 United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) the population Research Institute, Steve Mosher also provided some important information on sex-selection abortions in the United States through an article at National Review.6 Dr. Sunita Puri who wanted to find the reason on why many immigrant Indian women in the United States were so eager to know the gender of unborn children and went through abortion if they found out it was not the gender they wanted. Surprisingly, 89% of the women conceiving girls wanted for abortion and nearly half had aborted girls before.7 Sex selection has raised a lot of arguments whether parents should allow to choose the gender of their future child. Another root problem led to the famous gender selection is from the couples with one or more particular gender of children, in which they has an intensified to have another gender of the child. There was a case of a Scottish couple, Mr and Mrs Masterton who had four sons and lost their only daughter in an accident. They were preparing to challenge the HFE Au thority in judicial review due to its refusal in granting the fertility clinic the licence to select the right gender on their embryo to have a girl.8 There are some points and its corresponding argument in whether the parents should allow to choose their future childs gender. First, the incidence of infanticide can be prevent through gender selection. Some of the cultural places still have high incidence although that it is important of having at least one of the particular gender of the child. So, we can prevent the trauma and stress of not having a desired gender of the child which might have negative cultural connotations. The advance of technology doesnt enable us to find which gender the child is. Thus, some couples will be disappointed, then, they abort it and try to conceive again. So, wouldnt it be perfect for the person to choose instead of aborting it until they get the right one? Furthermore, the abandon of children is the most common consequence of the gender selection.9 Some of the parents are willing to throw away their children or hating them because of the undesirable gender. In the past, infanticide was seen the o nly solution if the infants did not have the desired gender that the parents want. But, now, with the advanced medical technology, many parents are going to have an ultrasound scan to determine the sex of the baby. As the ultrasound test and abortion became more available, the trend toward more boys than girls accelerated steadily after 1986.10 A former medical director from the countrys largest abortion provider had mentioned that it was common for the women to decide to terminate their pregnancies because of the gender of the baby.11 Besides, the Dr Vincent Argent had a same opinion and he believed that some of the doctor felt it is reasonable and had arranged the terminations relating to the gender of the foetus.12 The performance of the abortions for the purpose of sex selection is widespread, especially those in South and East Asia like China and India. In India, parents are often willing to pay for an abortion if 6 Mosher, S.W. (2011). Sex-selective Abortions Come Home. National Review Online. 7 Puri, S., Adams, V., Ivey, S., and Nachtigall, R.D. (2011). There is such a thing as too many daughters. But not too many sons: A qualitative study of son preference and fetal sex selection among Indian immigrants in the United States. Social Science Medicine,72(7): 1169-1176. 8 London: HFEA, 2003; 9 Jha et al. (2006). Low female[corrected]-to-male [corrected] sex ratio of children born in India: national survey of 1.1 million households. Lancet, 367: 211-218. 10 Lafraniere, S. (2009). Chinese bias for baby boys creates a gap of 32 million. The New York Times. 11 Newell, C. and Watt, H. (2012). Sex-selection abortions are widespread. Telegraph. 12 Newell, C and Watt, H. (2012). Paragraph 2. it is a girl. Although sex selection test and abortion have been banned for 15 years in India, the figures still state that there are 750,000 girls are aborted each year.13 From an article, Harsh reality of Indias unwanted girls, some Indians believe it is much better that a girl is killed before born rather after.14 Although they know it is a sin to abort, they still turn themselves as a blind eye to let the growing incidence of gender selection. Well, the counterpoint of this is the population of course might become imbalanced if most people just choose a particular gender. These imbalances are harmful because it will interrupt or damage the gene population. The imbalance is expected to steadily worsen among people of childbearing age over the next two decades and could trigger a slew of social problemsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. If youve got highly sexed young men, there is a concern that they will all get together and, with high levels of testosterone, there may be a real risk, that they wi ll go out and commit crimes says coauthor Therese Hesketh.15 An investigative research published in the British Medical Journal, attributed the imbalance almost completely due to the decision of couples to terminate female fetuses. About a million female fetuses are terminated and 10 in thousands of girls are missing.16 Most of the Chinese families in China preferred sons which directly increased the rate of female fetus abortion due to the one-child policy. This policy not only increased the abortion rate, but it also led to a gender imbalance. A study has found that there are currently 32 million more boys than girls under the age 20.17 A similar situation is happening in India too.The data shown that 914 girls are aborted in every 1000 boys in India.18 The termination of female fetuses is not occurred because the parents do not want and love their daughters, but due to the social reasons making them prefer sons.19 Second, the parents should have their own freedom of choice. Why shouldnt the parents to decide their own childs gender, given that no harm is done to others in their decision? The article of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights states that: Men and Women of full ageà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ have the right to marry and to found a family. 20 With this right, it should understand and cover the right in making decision on how one family should be built up. Besides, why should a family having a large number of one gender be expropriated of the chance to have a different gender of a child if the technology exists? As the director of the Fertility Institute states: these are grown-up people expressing their reproductive choicesà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ are really happy when they get what they want. 21 13 Prasad, A. (2007). Harsh Reality of Indias unwanted girls. BBC News. 14 Prasad, A (2007). Part 2: Dowry burden. 15 Strickland, E. (2009). Sex-selective Abortions in China have produced 32 Million extra boys. The Discover. 16 Leung, M. (2011). A structural model of sex selective abortion: the effect of one-child policy on sex ratio imbalance in china. University of Minnesota and Washington University in St Louis, p.1-49. 17 Zhu, P.W.X., Lu, P.L., and Hesketh, T. (2009). Chinas excess males, sex selective abortion, and one child policy from 2005 national intercensus survey. BMJ, 338. 18 Lakshimi, R. (2013) 19 The Economist. (2011) 20 U.N General Assembly. (1948, December 10). The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Retrieves from United Nations. 21 Stein, R. (2004). A Boy for You, a Girl for Me: Technology Allows Choice. The Washington Post. Well, there is the argument where the freedom of choice is important but it should not be conferred at the unconditional love for ones children. According to the Georgetown professor, the sex selection is a threat to the main value of parenthood that usually expressed by the commitment to unconditional love.22 As Harvard professor Michael Sandel notes, consider the father who wants a boy in hopes of having as a son the athlete he had never been. Suppose the son isnt interested in sportsà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ what sorts of expectations will burden a child who has designed with certain purposes in mind? 23 So, the children should be loved whoever they are, not because they are who we wanted. For that reason, parents should be encouraged to love their children equally regardless of gender, and the freedom of choice should not be allowed in this regard. Third, the other argument point regarding to the sex selection should be allowed is with sex-specific, the genetic diseases can be prevented. Some family are carriers of the known sex-specific diseases, it is obviously by gender determination can ensure that the disease will avoid from passing to the next generation or their child. Nearly most of the sex-linked diseases are either more serious among one gender or more common in one gender. For example, haemophilia, HIV, colour blindness, and muscular dystrophy are more common to a male suffering from one X chromosome.24 While, the disease of the immune system is most commonly affected by women.25 Therefore, the Microsoft technique used in sorting the sperm carrying the Y and double X chromosome to determine the gender as well as determining the genetic disorder is carried out. This technique is not harmful to the human genes. Statistical data has shown that over 1200 babies have been born using this advance technology.26 On the other hand, 100% accuracy is not happened for all technology in determining the genetic disease that carries on. Therefore, the medical costs should be considered together with medical benefits. Pre-implantation genetic diagnosis involved the embryo development outside the womb and then tested for gender. Only the desired gender is implanted in the womb and how about those are not of the desired gender? All the undesired embryo is destroyed. Over a dozen of embryos or human life has been created with the purpose of destroyed, its also a kind of abortion. The data shown that by using the gender selection technologies, the accuracy rate for choosing a girl is 93% and 82% go to the boys which inevitably most of the selections go for males.27 Thus, most of the couples are so keen to have a child with particular gender and unwilling to take the risk of having one of other gender. Although the Microsort technique is harmless to the parents, some scientists like Lord Winston expressed the fear that the technique will damage the sperm and genetic mutation might be more likely to occur. 22 Stein, R (2004). Page 4. 23 Stein, R (2004). Page 4. 24 Macnair, D.T. (2010). Fragile X syndrome. BBC Health. 25 Doe, J. (2000). Immune System Disorders. Time. 26 Genetics and IVF Institute. (2008). Microsort. Genetics and IVF Institute. 27 Genetics and IVF Institute. (2008). However, one of the points against in sex selection is the pre-selection of sex uses costly medical care for frivolous purposes. The treatment required for gender pre-selection was initially designed to prevent the disease. But many of the patients using the treatment which is capable of conceiving healthy children. A director from the Genesis Genetics Institute said that 70% of patients would not have needed IVF, in other words healthy and fertile couples are choosing this higher risk, sometimes painful and also expensive treatment when they could conceive a baby naturally.28 But, it still depends on the individuals to make decisions whether this treatment is worth or not. There is an evidence from parents who has gone through the treatment. They said that the sex selection of their children was not a frivolous or ridiculous purpose. Sharla Allen replied They are. Theyre totally everything I could ever wantà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦ but why arent having two daughters that will be just as wond erful as they are? when she was asked whether her three boys had still not been enough for her.29 So, no-one is harmed in this treatment; thus, it should be the parents choice to have the treatment since they know the risks beforehand. On the other hand, the abortion rate can be reduced with this expensive medical technology. The abortion, especially sex selection, is illegal in most of the country. Its same to India where most of the clinics doing illegal abortion were shut down. However, the reality is that sex-selective abortion is still happening behind the door. Thus, it is difficult to control and its not only restricted to the poor.30 There is an evidence that happened to Pooja who married to a multi-millionaire industrialist and had 10 years old twin girls. When she pregnanted another girl, his husband forced her to abort it even he was rich and afford to grow another daughter. She claimed that a girl would only take money with her to her-in-laws without bringing any wealth in.31 Due to the this negative mindset, sex-selective abortion becomes even worse from year to year. Another debate points against the gender selection is the children should not be designed or created to specifications. Children are not pets or toys. So, they are no meant to be designed to let their owner more convenient. Harvard philosopher Michael Sandel argued that it runs the risk of turning procreation and parenting into an extension of the consumer society and it is also one step forward in designing baby.32 The selection of eye colour, hairy ears or hair colour soon will be requested by the parents if the gender selection is allowed. That is only the beginning. This is because we are encouraging the false ideas of perfection if we allowing sex selection. Moreover, there has been no justification for supporting such indulgence at public expense. The gap will grow even bigger between poor and rich people, as the rich designer will want both their design and the appearance of their children to reflect their property or wealth. Let say, if a gay gene is discovered, would parent s be allowed to eliminate embryos containing it? We should follow the idea that we appreciate on everything what we are given. Otherwise, the people will reject their own child more likely when they did not get whatever they want. 28 Gajilan, C. (2005). Gender selection a reality, but is it ethical? CNN Health. 29 Gajilan, C. (2005). 30 Lakshimi, R. (2013) 31 Prasad, A. (2007), Part 3: Tolerated Abortion. 32 Stein,R (2004). Page 1. In contrast, parents have their own right to choose the gender to build up of their family if the technology is available. This can improve the chances of the child to fit into the dream of their family and they are more likely to get loved. Every individual can choose their own partners, and also have their freedom to choose the time of getting pregnant according to their age, wealth or prosperity.33 Parents sacrifice so much for their children. They invest a huge mount of their wealth and years of their lives in growing up their children. So, Isnt fair that in return, they get to choose their child with the gender that they want? This is also an extension of the rights of reproductive field. But, according to the report of Nuffield Council on Bioethnics, an attitude of natural humility, where the parents accept their children is an important feature of parental love. The love the parents owe their children and not dependent on the characteristics of a child.34 Besides, it is a wonder or surprise process in having a child. So, the childbirth should not interfere with human motives. Some people have an opinion that the time of conception is decided by God and do not attempt to play with God. Dr. Mark Hughes, who helped in pioneering the procedure, intended it in preventing the disease of the gender, unfortunately, is not a kind of disease which has no illness and no suffering.35 Furthermore, many people view that there is no morally difference between the new technologies and the abortion where a potential life is taken away. In 2011, there are 196,082 abortions in England and wales.36 How many cases is the consequence of gender selection? The recent news or articles published that the illegal abortion on the grounds of gender might take place in Britain within immigrant communities by analysing the birth statistics.37 As we know, the termination of pregnancy based on the gender is illegal in the UK. But, the abortions of fetuses up to 24 we eks are allowed if the pregnancy was on ground of physical and caused psychological risk to the mother, or in cases the child was severely physically or mentally abnormal.38 According to the recent article by Elena Ralli, there are also evidence shown that the sex-selective abortion is spreading in Europe and the U.S. too.39 If the sex selection is legalized, it will cause the selective abortion became more common and parents will simply kill a human life legally because they want to choose the desired gender of their child. While, there are some arguments stating that the mystery of childbirth is not easy to shatter. Sharla Miller, who go for gender selection, denies the suggestion that it is like playing God. She believed that it is just like every procedure that medical can do for us.40 For example, when the elder child suffers from spina bifida, they fixed it out. Were they playing with God? Moreover, the gender selection is important and helpful for parents to plan their childs future like choosing the clothes, naming etc. The sex selection happened in many countries and cultured by abandonment of unwanted babies or selection abortion. Everyone felt that this is a cruel and terrible waste of human life and also very dangerous for the mother. Obviously, many people strongly object the abortion on moral grounds. The development of new technologies in determining the gender in the early stage of pregnancy will definitely reduce and eventually stop the use of selective abortion. 33 Meek, J. (2001). Baby Blues. The Guardian. 34 Nuffield Council on Bioethics, Genetics and Human Behaviour (2002). The ethical context, Para13.78 35 Leung, R. (2004). Choose the sex of Your Baby. CBS News. 36 Harker, R. (2012) Statistics on Abortions. Page 2. 37 Mason, R. (2013). The abortion of unwanted girls taking place in the UK. Telegraph. 38 HFE Act 1990, Schedule 2, para 1ZB. 39 Ralli, E. (2013). Alarming rise in abortion of female fetuses in Europe. New Europe Online. 40 Leung, R. (2004). After stating the arguments arising in whether the sex selection should be permitted and the most serious effect- abortion because of gender selection. So, what is your opinion on sex-selection? Should the parents be permitted to pre-determine their future childs gender? In my opinion, sex selection should not be permitted to the parents to choose the gender of their future child. From my perspectives, gender selection is extremely bad for women. In other words, girls are discriminated by the social. As mentioned above, the cultural preferences for boys led to the male children are more likely to be educated and employed in good jobs which can earn enough income to support a family. Besides, boys are also expected by the families to contribute to the familys well-being and take care of aging parents. Unfortunately, the girls were not only treated as liabilities rather than assets, they also did not have the same treatment in education and employment.41 But, these ideas were no longer establish in 21st century global culture. We know, of course, that women can also success in education and workplace if there is no sex discrimination and they are given the same opportunities as men. Furthermore, women can be the one to help in raising their families and communities out of poverty. Therefore, we should not offer the sex-selection services that support false and outdated aristocracy system. Next, again sex-selection is not fair to women and even to the baby girl. We know, of course, conceiving a baby need man and woman to work together. It is actually known that the male plays an important role to determine whether the baby conceive is boy or girl. In other words, man is the one who produces heterogametic sperm which containing either X chromosome or a Y chromosome to decide the gender of their child. Why I argued that it is not fair to women? This is because a huge number of husbands keep blaming his wife for not conceiving a boy. Whats wrong with the women? Women only provide an immotile egg to let sperms (which decide the sex) to fertilise. Unfortunately, many husbands still push this responsibility to women and give pressure to their wife. The reason why the women felt that they were unable to save their daughter because many women became the victims of family violence when they were carrying girls. Some had been slapped, bumped and shoved around by aggressive husba nds and in-laws, or even kicked in the stomach in an effort to let them miscarry.42 While, some denied food and water in order to coerce them to abort their unwanted girl babies.43 Most women, who come to the fertility clinic to ask for help in conceiving a boy, are likely under pressure from her husband or her husbands families to avoid from any mishap happened to them. It is not fair to let a woman to undertake this heavy responsibility. Although the reproductive technology today is able to help women free from coercion or pressure, it is actually bringing to the severe problem later on. It will turn to the continuous controversial if gender selection services are allowed. After helping in relieving the pressure of women from their husband, it comes to other problems where the imbalance sex population occurs. Due to this imbalance population, again more and more problems happened. 41 Pande, R., and Malbotra, A. (2006). Son preference and daughter neglect in India: What happened to living girls? Washington, D.C.: International Center for Research on Women. 42 Raj et al. (2011). Abuse from in-laws during pregnancy and post-patrum: qualitative and quantitative findings from low=icome mothers of Infants in Mumbai, India. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 15(6):700-712. 43 Puri et al. (2011). Pg. 1174 If gender selection is permitted, it will bring to the social and economic consequences. Although not every family prefers son over daughter, but it sure will lead to the imbalance of population. For example, the one-child policy which has a limitation on the number of children in each couple, causing the couples with strong son preference.44 Consequently, the shortage of women in China has disastrous and serious social effect. . For example, in China and India, many young men are unable to find a partner, resulting in the rising of sexual violence, prostitution, kidnapping and forced marriage.45, 46 In addition, due to the selfishness of the parents to have a male heir and abort the girl fetuses, it may increase the mental health problems and severely abnormal social behaviour among men as well as leaving some men unable to get married and having their own family.47 The sex-selection problem might lead to the marriage squeeze problem which is happening now in China. This problem has commonly happened between the uneducated male in rural area. A study indicated that 15% of uneducated men at age 40 were still single, whereas there are only 0.5% among those were university-educated men in the early 1980s.48 The percentage keeps increasing from year to year. The Chinese officials predict that after 2030 some 30 million young men will be unable to find a marriage age.49 Besides, the sex-ratio imbalance in one country not only increases the crime, but also the number of sex workers with HIV infection and other sexually transmitted diseases. There is evidence that young single men with HIV positive are more likely to pay for sex.50 There are many negative consequences of sex selection which we can clearly know from some of the country like China and India. So, should the gender selection permitted because of ones individuality? Moreover, gender selection reinforces in oppressing and false gender roles. This problem is most probably happened to the population which utilizes gender selection technology after having one or more same gender of children. An evidence from the Slate article How to Buy a Daughter, profiled a woman named Megan Simpson who was grown up in a family of four sisters and like to sew, bake, make up and so on and she wished to share these interests with her girl who can dress in pink. 51 The problem, of course not every little girl like sewing, baking or even dressing up in pink. Thats same go to the boys, not every little boy like sports, blue colour shirt. So, the relationship between the gender of children and their preferences is unpredictable, changeable and not exactly like what we think. Why we need to have a thought that which things are suitable for girls and which one is for boys? Is that good to allow parents to engineer their children based on their interests or the purpose of achieving the cultural norms? The sex-selection should not be allowed due to this reason. The child will be the one to suffer if their interests are entirely opposite with their parents wish or cultural norms. In this situation, obviously either the child or the parents will disappoint with each other. 44 Leung, M. (2011). Pg 12. 45 Christakis, E. (2013). Rape in India: A Result of Sec Selection? Time. 46 Dagar, R. (2001). Life enhancing mechanisms, life depriving outcomes: case of female foeticide. Chandigard: Institute for Development and Communication. 47 Leung, M. (2011). Pg 12. 48 Wang, F. (2005). Asia Pacific Issues. East West Centre. 49 Vermeer, E.B. (2006). Demographic Dimensions of Chinas Development, Population and Development Review, 32: 115-144. 50 South, S.J., and Trent, K. (2010). Imbalanced Sex Ratios, Mens Sexual Behaviour, and Risk of Sexually Transmitted Infection in China. Journal of Health and Social Behaviour, 51 (4): 376-390. 51 Sidhu, J. (2012). How to Buy a Daughter. Slate. In conclusion, so far we have discussed the use of sex selection in a reproductive field, where it is practiced for the purpose of preventing hereditary sex-linked disorders. We see no reason why, if a method to determine the sex of a child before fertilization is developed, this technology should not offer to a couple who have good medical reasons and purposely want to choose the gender of their child. But, if an easy and efficient technique of ensuring the conception of the particular sex of the child became available, some couples would obviously hope to make use of it for the purpose of social reasons.51 Such decision will affect the family and the children involved and somehow would bring the implications to society. It is actually hard to predict, either in the short or long term, this practice effect on the ratio of the males to females within society. Studies have shown that the majority of couples would choose the boy as their first child. If this happened, it again raises t he controversy where there is considerable evidence that the first child may enjoy more advantages over the younger siblings. Since there are difficult to predict the outcome of any such practice, we have not found it possible to amend the laws and regulation in the sex selection. 52 Cmnd 9314, London: HMSO, 1984.

Monday, August 19, 2019

journalism Essay -- essays research papers fc

In old days men had the rack. Now they have the press. That is an improvement certainly. But still it is very bad, and wrong, and demoralising. Somebody - was it Burke? - called journalism the fourth estate. That was true at the time, no doubt. But at the present moment it really is the only estate. It has eaten up the other three. The Lords Temporal say nothing, the Lords Spiritual have nothing to say, and the House of Commons has nothing to say and says it. We are dominated by Journalism. The Soul of Man - Oscar Wilde Feudal society was traditionally divided into three "estates" (social classes). The "First Estate" was the Church (clergy - those who prayed). The "Second Estate" was the Nobility (those who fought - knights). It was common for aristocrats to enter the Church and thus shift from the second to the first estate. The "Third Estate" was the Peasantry (everyone else, at least under feudalism: those who produced the food which supported those who prayed and those who fought, the members of the First and Second Estates). These "estates" are defined primarily by what one does (as well as by the social class one is born into). The term 'fourth estate' is used today to refer to the mass media as a powerful watchdog in liberal democracy, revealing abuses of state authority and defending the democratic rights of citizens. The notion that the press is a great instrument of liberty providing a check on the abuse of government power – any power - is a central part of any political culture. "If people don't know about power and let their attention wander completely then those in power will take liberties". Andrew Marr, BBC's political editor Former editor of The Independent The main role of the press is to ensure transparency and accountability in the government’s dealings. The publisher of a newspaper is most often also the owner and is the papers top manager. If a chain or a large corporation owns the paper, the publisher represents the owner’s interests and ensures the business’s profitability. According to the News Writers Handbook, the owner’s opinion about the news of the day is usually echoed by the editorial page editor on the editorial page and on the op- ed page opposite the editorial. It is common for the editorial page editor to report directly to the publisher, and not the paper... ...t. The education editor reviews books and other education material that is to be used by students. "Perhaps the most urgent--and complex--task facing American education today is to figure out how to hold schools accountable for improved academic achievement. In this important new work, Helen Ladd†¦.. this book should be at the top of the reading list for anyone seriously interested in transforming the quality of American schools." Edward B. Fiske, Education Editor, The New York Times All the editors work together to produce a newsworthy newspaper. The sit in the newsroom and deliberate of the ethical principles and legal ramifications of running certain stories. They act as a checking system on one another and so help in upholding the philosophies of categorical imperative, hedonism, veil of ignorance, golden rule, golden mean and utilitatianism for the good of the newspaper and the greater good of the public. BIBLIOGRAPHY Rudin, Richard and Ibbotson, Trevor, Introduction to Journalism. Focal Press, 2002. Keeble, Richard Newspapers’ Handbook( Media Practices) Routledge, 1998. Frost, Chris, Reporting for Journalists. Routledge: Taylor and Francis Books Lt, 2001